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Encryption Competition


Introduction to Encryption, Decryption and Cracking Codes



ENCRYPTION Techniques in Grok Learning Here:


To learn how to use complex encryption with python, work through the Grok Course on encryption.





If programming is a bit too complex and you just want a few warm up activities, follow along with Ms Farrell's presentation and try to use the Caesar Cipher to decrypt the text below. You will need to use some tools to cound the number of each of the letters.


Use this Frequency Analysis Tool to decrypt a cypher:


Frequency Analysis Tools and Information.


Do you have an uncrackable cypher in python? Put your encrypted text to the test. Post your encrypted message in the FORUM and see if we can crack it.


Use the Forum to post your Encrypted messages and try and decrypt the messages of your friends.


Can you decrypt the following text?


Ymj Knwxy Pstbs Htruzyjw Uwtlwfrrjw bfx f Btrfs. Mjw sfrj bfx Fif Qtajqfhj, fsi xmj qnaji ns Jslqfsi, bmjwj xmj btwpji fx f rfymjrfynhnfs fsi bwnyjw. Xmj nx kfrtzx ktw btwpnsl ts ymj “Fsfqdynhfq Jslnsj.” Xtrj tk ymj Gnlljxy Htruzyjw Gwfsix Xyfwyji ns Lfwfljx. Ymnx nx ywzj ktw Fuuqj, Rnhwtxtky, fsi MU. Ujtuqj Gqnsp Qjxx Bmjs Ymjd Zxj Htruzyjwx. Bmnqj ymj fajwflj ujwxts gqnspx fgtzy 20 ynrjx f rnszyj zsijw stwrfq hnwhzrxyfshjx, ujtuqj ts htruzyjwx tsqd gqnsp fgtzy xjajs ynrjx f rnszyj.









Letter Frequency in English

a  8.167

b  1.492

c  2.782

d  4.253

e  12.702

f  2.228

g  2.015

h  6.094

i  6.966

j  0.153

k  0.772

l  4.025

m  2.406

n  6.749

o  7.507

p  1.929

q  0.095

r  5.987

s  6.327

t  9.056

u  2.758

v  0.978

w  2.360

x  0.150

y  1.974

z  0.074

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